Summary :

Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter

If you have problems installing or uninstalling programs on Windows ten (Windows 8, or Windows 7), you should become and use Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter. Download it from the official website and and so run it to fix your bug. This page on MiniTool website shows you lot how to download and use the troubleshooter in detail.

What Is Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter

Have you always heard of the Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter? It's not a program/tool that comes with your Windows systems, but it'south very useful and necessary in some cases. You should download the Programme Install and Uninstall troubleshooter when yous need to fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed.

Tip: What yous should pay attending to is that your files and folders may be deleted/damaged during the troubleshooting process. So y'all'd better make a fill-in of your drive (at least the important data) or get a professional information recovery tool in advance.

Free Download

What Can Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter Do

The Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter looks for problems that can cease you installing and uninstalling a program. So you may use it to fix the following problems on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows seven.

  • Corrupted registry keys on 64-bit operating systems
  • Corrupted registry keys that control the update data
  • Problems that prevent new programs from being installed
  • Problems that forbid existing programs from being completely uninstalled or updated
  • Problems that block you from uninstalling a program through Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) in Control Console

The Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter works well as a Windows installer troubleshooter or Microsoft uninstaller tool. How to download and use it for fixing install/uninstall problems? Delight go along reading.

start menu troubleshooter windows 10 thumbnail

The Starting time menu troubleshooter is urgently needed when users' Start carte not working/responding. This post shows you how to deal with it.

How to Download & Use the Microsoft Install/Uninstall Fixit Utility

Download Troubleshooter for Windows 10

  1. Restart your computer and log into information technology using the ambassador account.
  2. Open a web browser similar you ordinarily do.
  3. Become to Microsoft's fix problems that cake programs from being installed or removed folio.
  4. Locate the Download troubleshooter button and click on information technology.
  5. Set a storage path if required and click Download; you can also change the file proper name. (Optional)
  6. Wait for the downloading process to complete.
  7. Click Show in binder or the folder icon to encounter the downloaded file.
Download troubleshooter

The steps to download this tool for other systems (Windows 8, or Windows seven) are the aforementioned. How to fix issues that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled Windows 10? Please movement on.

[2021] 5 Basic Troubleshooting Steps To Gear up Problems On Your PC.

Run Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter to Install

  1. Y'all tin click on the file proper name at the finish of the downloading process to run it straight. Also, yous can get to the storage path manually and then double click on MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall. meta.
  2. Click Next in the Troubleshoot and help foreclose computer problems window.
  3. Look for the problems detecting process to end.
  4. Click Installing when it asks "Are you having a trouble installing or uninstalling a programme".
  5. Wait until the problems detecting process is ended, over again.
  6. Browse the provided programs list to select the sure program that you are trying to install merely can't.
  7. If yous do not come across your program, select Not Listed.
  8. Click on the Adjacent push button.
  9. Wait and follow the on-screen instructions.
  10. Shut the Windows installer troubleshooter when the installation process is washed.
  11. Reboot your PC.

Windows 10 ISO Free Download & Troubleshooting Guide.

Run Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter to Uninstall

  1. Discover the MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall. meta file.
  2. Double click on it to run.
  3. Click Next in the first window y'all see.
  4. It volition start detecting issues; just wait.
  5. Click Uninstalling if you're having a trouble uninstalling a programme on estimator.
  6. Look for it to detect problems, again.
  7. Scan the programs listing and select the one you desire to uninstall.
  8. Click Adjacent.
  9. Select Yeah, try uninstall (instead of No, try other fixes).
  10. Await for the troubleshooter to uninstall the app package for yous.
  11. Shut information technology and restart your computer.
Select the program you want to uninstall

That's all nigh how to download & use Programme Install and Uninstall troubleshooter (to install or uninstall a problematic program).

Gear up External Hard Drive Not Working - Analysis & Troubleshooting.